Tuesday, June 17, 2008

An Open World - kick-off

Hi !

In the spirit of open-source, I asked for volunteers to help us in this transition.
Many of you have volunteered. Thanks for the support. We will need all of you - and more.
( Do note that volunteer work is outside your office work.)

As I wrote in my opening email on this, we will have to manage this change carefully across the company with minimal disruption and maximum continuity.

Our immediate plan is to establish a software baseline, and make a plan for step-by-step change.

The baselining work will be led by Richa (Process Auditor) with support from several of you.
We will collect all the relevant information i.e. the software on all the IBEXI PCs and laptops.
We will continue to conduct this "software audit" periodically to ensure that we are moving forward on our path.
Please help her complete this by the end of this week.

We will select some specific areas and move - as a group - to the identified software.
First, each area's software will be selected, and tested by the volunteers in parallel with other software.
Key considerations will be long-term reliability, usability, features & interoperability with a variety of proprietary or open-source software.
Having selected the software, we will announce the software, the site to download it from/ person to get from, and also a person who will support the transition.
There will also be some named people who will have - at least for a while - permission to use multiple software solutions, as a potential back-up.

Let's get ready to move to an open world.

Surajit Basu

Reflecting on the future

"Be the change you want to see"
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

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